WORKSHOP Marek Radke

LICHTROUTEN SITE Erlöserkirche Kirchplatz 11-15 Photos: Jennifer Braun DESCRIPTION Mobile MATERIAl / TECHNIQUE UV light, fluorescent pigments, everyday objects / one-way plastic containers SITE REFERENCE Made for the site PARTICIPATION AWO Holiday-Care, Friedrich-Bodelschwingh Kindergarten: AWO Ferienbetreuung, Friedrich-Bodelschwingh-Kindergarten, OGS Schöneck / Parkstraße / Freizeitreff Brügge, OGS Wehberg / Jugendtreff Audreys

WORKSHOP Pierre Estève

LICHTROUTEN SITE Humboldt-Villa Humboldstraße 36 Photos: Jennifer Braun “Flowers of Change” is an upcycling project for pet bottles. In the context of several workshops, interested people are invited to develop their own objects. COORDINATION Sabrine Hamafi and Clara Tütemann

Klassenkollektiv Mirko Wohlfart

LICHTROUTEN SITE Reservistenhaus am Loher Wäldchen [one_half padding=”0px 12px 12px 12px”] Photos: Jennifer Braun LIGHT ROUTES PROJECT 02 DESCRIPTION installation of kinetic objects MATERIAL / TECHNIQUE light, film, photography, light shadows, car parts, e-waste [/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0px 12px 12px 12px”] Photos: Mirko Wohlfahrt Art projects by “Schule an der Höh”, directed by Mirko Wohlfahrt, e.g. “Color …


LICHTROUTEN Site Sparkasse Sauerfelderstraße 7-11 The Sparkasse Lüdenscheid is a special-purpose savings bank in the Märkischer Kreis district, whose business area extends over the cities of Lüdenscheid, Halver, Herscheid and also Schalksmühle. With 377 employees and 18 branch offices, it is one of the larger headquarters of the Savings Banks Association of Westphalia-Lippe.